By Philip Goldberg
Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times
In this paperback and audiobook, I show how to build a repertoire of spiritual practices both for everyday use in stable times and for when we feel overwhelmed, confused, scared, or enraged. I note that practices are an absolute necessity because “they provide a much-needed sanctuary when we need it most” and are also “a sturdy platform for corrective action … a boon to engaged citizenship, and a blessing to our collective well-being.” This is a practical book, with easy-to-follow guidelines and instructions.
Available on Amazon as an e-book at the special low price of $1.99
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In this book, you will discover:
- Ways to access the sanctuary of peace and fortress of strength within you.
- How to stay spiritually sane in the midst of maddening circumstances.
- The different forms of meditation, with instructions for meditating deeply.
- How to develop a spiritual routine that fits your personality, beliefs, and lifestyle.
- Guidelines for creating an inventory of powerful practices to draw on when needed.
- Why inner peace is only a breath away and how to attain it with simple breathing exercises.
- Advice on drawing sustenance from close relationships and service to others.
- Ways to create sacred spaces, in your home and outside.
- Immediate interventions to employ when crises and upheavals erupt.
- How to practice the “Spiritual Two-Step” to help the world from the inside out.
- How to convert anger into righteous indignation and channel that energy into effective action.
Praise for the Book
“In this concise and lucid book, Phil Goldberg points the way to the fortress of peace within ourselves.”
– Deepak Chopra, author of MetaHuman
“It shows how to be peaceful inside even when the outer world is in turmoil—and respond to challenges with creativity and calm.”
– Marci Shimoff, author of Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul
“A rich resource for anyone who feels buffeted and unbalanced these days. You’ll be wiser, more resilient, and more able to give strength to others if you rely and trust Goldberg’s advice.”
– Larry Dossey, M.D., author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters From the Cover Copy

A Message from Phil
I wrote this book in 2019. The world was plenty crazy then, and we knew it would be crazier by the time the book was published, in the months leading up to the presidential election in November. No one could have predicted it would get this crazy.
I was doing the final proofreading when the pandemic struck. I reviewed the book and decided that nothing needed to be changed. The ideas and practices in it are timeless; they apply whenever our lives get difficult, no matter what’s going on in the world.
That said, the practices you’ll learn in the book are especially useful now. They will help you neutralize fear, loneliness, and despair. They’ll open your mind to creative solutions and your heart to the suffering of others. They’ll even strengthen your immune system to help you fend off the virus. And if you’re fortunate enough to use enforced isolation as a spiritual retreat, it will make your solitude a holy and sacred time.
And when this phase finally ends, the book will continue to be relevant, in both good times and times of upheaval, because deep spiritual practice is the centerpiece of both a rich, soulful inner life and a fulfilling existence in the material world.