Lectures & Workshops
Philip Goldberg is available for lectures, keynotes, and experiential workshops of varying lengths.
Known for his engaging style and captivating humor, Phil brings more than four decades of experience as an eager student, skilled teacher, and acclaimed writer to his presentations, making abstract concepts simple and complex ideas easy to understand. His offerings are all geared to making deep spirituality a practical matter. Most include audio, video, and photographic images, and the longer ones incorporate meditative practices and guidelines for integrating spiritual principles into everyday life in the world.
Presentations can be designed to meet the specific needs of each venue and its audience.
Sample titles and descriptions:
LIVING LA VIDA YOGA: Practical Keys to Happiness, Success and Inner Peace from India’s Sacred Teachings
Yoga is not just stretching and bending. It consists of powerful insights and practical applications that have changed the lives of millions. Whether you’re a corporate executive or a new entrepreneur, an artist, attorney or activist, if you want to accomplish big things and also sustain your health, integrity and balance, these keys to mastery from ancient masters could not be more relevant. In flexible formats—from 60-minute lectures to experiential workshop of three hours, a day or a weekend—Phil’s presentations illuminate the fullness of Deep Yoga with an emphasis on integrating this vital wisdom into everyday life and accelerating holistic personal growth.
SPIRITUAL WELLNESS: Creating a Path That Works for You
Never mind the afterlife; research shows that this life depends on healthy spirituality. Regardless of your beliefs or faith–or the absence of faith–you can transcend cookie-cutter dogmas and develop an approach to the Sacred that’s in sync with your own personality and needs. Discover the Five Functions of Religion—Transmission, Translation, Transaction, Transformation, Transcendence—and how to fill in the gaps in your life. An authentic spiritual path that’s true to who we are not only deepens inner peace, it prevents disease, enhances healing and increases longevity.
REMAKING THE BORDERS OF SPIRIT: Rethinking, Re-imagining and Revising How we View Religion
In an age of pluralism and independent spiritual exploration, the old broad categories no longer suffice. The boxes on survey forms and the chapter titles in comparative religion books—Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, etc.—are simplistic and misleading. They obscure the vast diversity within each tradition, and they conceal more than they reveal about individual spiritual attitudes and approaches. In this presentation—perfect for universities, houses of worship and interfaith gatherings—offers different categories and new ways to frame our conversations around what we call “religion.”
A NATION OF YOGIS: How India Transformed America’s Spiritual Landscape
Based on the latest data and decades of solid scholarship, this multimedia presentation shows how this 200-year East-To-West transmission radically changed the way we understand religion and approach spirituality. We meet the leading figures – gurus, swamis and yoga masters; prominent thinkers like Emerson, Thoreau, Aldous Huxley and Joseph Campbell; scientists, psychologists, physicians; iconic writers and musicians (Allen Ginsberg, JD Salinger, the Beatles) – who adapted and modernized ancient teachings in often surprising ways. Whether you know it or not, chances are you’ve been impacted by India. This presentation will show you how much.
THE BEATLES’ YOGA: A Multimedia Magical Mystery Tour
How the Fab Four discovered India and meditation, changing the world spiritually as well as musically. A narrative history with little-known facts and insights into seminal Beatles’ songs, with recorded music, videos and photos. Whenever and wherever possible, Phil is accompanied by live music featuring local artists or the fantastic 7-piece band led by Emmy-nominated bhakti rock artist Joey Lugassy.
GAIN THE INTUITIVE EDGE: The Mental Keys to Creativity, Insight and Decision-Making
We all know the value of rational thinking, metrics and Big Data. But in times of uncertainty and rapid change, logic and quantitative methods can leave you high and dry—not to mention stressed out and behind the eight ball. That’s why Einstein said, “The really valuable thing is intuition,” and why successful leaders in every field pay attention to hunches and gut feelings. Learn how to develop your intuitive skills and apply your whole brain when making decisions and solving problems.
QUINTESSENTIAL STRESS RELIEF: A Holistic Approach to the Modern Scourge
Why just manage stress? You can heal it, prevent it and transcend it with this 5-pronged strategy. In this hectic world, those with a strong inner anchor enjoy a vital edge. Calm under pressure, centered amidst turmoil, they make sound decisions when others get frazzled and make critical mistakes. Learn how to capture the stillness within you, recover rapidly from setbacks and be the one who want—and gets—the ball when the game is on the line. Oh, and live healthier, more energetically and longer in the bargain.
Here is a sample of one of Phil’s in-person workshops on Bhagavad Gita: